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Call-center (information and ticket booking):
+7 (495) 792-30-72 (24 hour)

The main office of the circus and theatre company "Aquamarine"

Mel'nikov str., 7, Moscow,
+7 (495) 792-30-67

Hall rental
To rent the hall for joint activities (concerts, recitals, etc.) please contact us here

Ticket sales
Circus of dancing fountains AQUAMARINE invites for mutually beneficial cooperation ticket sales through agencies and ticket offices, travel agencies, as well as all other businesses connected with the industry of entertainment. Please send your brief information to: Circus of dancing fountains AQUAMARINE invites for mutually beneficial cooperation ticket sales through agencies and ticket offices, travel agencies, as well as all other businesses connected with the industry of entertainment. Please send your brief information to:  or call: +7(495)7923067.

Attention! We offer extremely favorable conditions for cooperation with private distributors. You can choose any workload  for yourself  - from a little extra-work to your own business! Please send your details to:  or call: +7(495)7923067.

Cooperation and vacancies
Circus of Dancing Fountains AQUAMARINE constantly considers all incoming offers of cooperation and work for artists of all circus genres,clowns, attractions and sketches(including animals), as well as sportsmen (gymnastics, trampoline, diving, figure skating).

Preliminary we ask you to send us personal information via e-mail:

To the materials sent  by you should necessarily enter the following:
  • Your CV - in any form, but with the obligatory description of your education, expertise, experience, and all other in your opinion important information.
  • One or more portraits of yours
  • One or more videos of your performances
  • Any other information and materials of your choice

    As well for attention of:
  • circus directors, coaches
  • playwrights and directors
  • designers
  • lighting designers, experts in special effects
  • composers, arrangers and songwriters
  • singers and musicians with a good actor skills
  • dramatic actors with circus skills
  • engineering and administrative professionals
  • assistants

With the development of circus company, we will constantly feel the need of professionals in your specialty. You can always send us your CV and presentation materials.

Dear colleagues and friends! Sincerely wishing the most productive and mutually beneficial cooperation, we, nevertheless, have to draw your attention to the following: we thoroughly and carefully looking through all the recieved materials. Singling out the most vivid and interesting proposals, we consider the possibility of inviting you to a particular show while working at their creation. Thus, this process can take both short and  long enough time. We ask you to show patience and to be understanding to the fact that we can not comment the reasons for not catching up with you yet. In your turn, you can always supplement the materials submitted.

Circus AQUAMARINE strictly adheres to copyright law and the rights of intellectual property owners. However, under no circumstances Circus can not be brought claims for unlawful use of products of intellectual property or copyright violation only due to the fact that such ideas, discoveries, developments, and others contained in the materials sent to the casting. If your materials contain products of intellectual property for which you have exclusive rights, and you are afraid of illegal use by third parties, we strongly recommend you to beforehand protect its interests in any legal way or  avoid including such products in the materials for the casting.

Send  your CV and materials to:
All materials are submitted in any format without file size limitation. If you need to send large files  that are not supported by e-mail  (usually a file over 10 Mb), use the service "Yandex.Narod" or any other service.

Dear Colleagues, We would appreciate if you inform your friends about our offers.
Thank you for your kind attention to our project. We wish you success in your career and hope for mutually beneficial cooperation!

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Вконтакте.руfacebook.comМой Мир "Aquamrine" The Cricus of Dancing Fountains (495) 792-30-72 (24 hour)

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